Afghan Adjustment Act Mobilization Toolkit
UPDATED: July 18, 2023
When the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan kicked into high gear, the U.S. started evacuating at-risk Afghans to the United States on parole, giving them only temporary protections and a tough path to permanent status in a backlogged and broken immigration system. Countless others were left behind. A large coalition of Afghan Americans, immigration advocates, and veterans got together to start pushing Congress for legislation that would give Afghans lasting protections and a pathway to citizenship, as well as hold the Biden administration accountable to ensure other vulnerable and at-risk Afghans could find their way to safety in the U.S. This type of large-scale adjustment of status would match historic precedent, as the U.S. has done this previously for Cambodian, Vietnamese, Cuban and Iraqi Kurds.
Last year, Congress let us down and failed to pass an Afghan Adjustment Act. Now, we are asking – yet again – for passage of the Afghan Adjustment Act as part of the 2023 NDAA bill.
The United States made a promise. Now, it must live up to it. Time to pass the Afghan Adjustment Act.
During our month of action in x, repost the sample social posts. [see below]
NOTE: If your Senator or Congressperson has already co-sponsored the bill, we encourage you not to contact them.
Dear [Senator/Congressman],
I am calling you today to urge [Senator/Congressman] to urgently vote yes and pass the Afghan Adjustment Act, a bipartisan piece of legislation that would give a pathway to legal status for thousands of newly arrived Afghans in the United States as well as provide support for many of those at-risk Afghans that were left behind. This bill has support from both sides of the aisle in both the Senate and the House of Representatives, and ought to be passed as part of the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
For twenty years, many of these Afghans risked their lives and that of their families in Afghanistan, which ended in heartbreak when they were forced to flee Afghanistan due to the Taliban takeover of their country. No one should be forced to flee their home -- but now they’ve made it to America, where they are starting a new chapter in their life.
Now, they need your urgent help in ensuring that their new life in the United States is a success. As an [Afghan-American/American/community ally/veteran], I want to raise my voice in support of this act and to ensure that this bill is passed as part of the 2023 NDAA. Without this act being passed, newly arrived Afghans will have to relive their trauma and navigate a deeply broken, complex, and backlogged asylum system.
No one deserves to live in legal limbo or uncertainty as they try to navigate new life here in America. I would like to remind you of the solemn promise America made to those who stood alongside us in the past twenty years. Now, it’s time for America to honor its promise by passing this vital and important act.
I have welcomed these new Afghan refugees with open arms in my community. Will you do the same and stand alongside them by voting YES on the Afghan Adjustment Act?
Thank you!
[Your name]
In the wake of America’s withdrawal, America evacuated over 80,000 newly arrived Afghans to the United States. Now, they need your help.
Tell Congress to pass an #AfghanAdjustmentAct to ensure that these new Afghan arrivals receive a pathway to citizenship. Across America, we welcomed our new neighbors with open arms. Now, Congress must do the same.
Newly arrived Afghans need a pathway to a green card. It’s time for America and Congress to keep their promise and pass the #AfghanAdjustmentAct. #ProtectAfghans
Afghans who were evacuated to the US deserve permanent protection. Congress must pass the #AfghanAdjustmentAct & ensure those left behind get a chance at safety and refuge. #ProtectAfghans
Afghans deserve a chance at safety, refuge, and permanent protection. Congress must pass the #AfghanAdjustmentAct to show our newly arrived Afghan neighbors that #ProtectAfghans
Afghans should not have to endure a traumatic and backlogged asylum process. Congress must live up to its solemn promise that #ThisIsHome and pass the #AfghanAdjustmentAct without delay or excuse.
America made a promise to Afghans. Now, it’s time for Congress to live up to it through a pathway to citizenship and more help for those left behind. Help us pass the #AfghanAdjustmentAct and let them know: #ThisIsHome
Contact your local city or county representative and ask them to introduce a resolution in support of the #AfghanAdjustmentAct
See below for sample resolution text:
Whereas, the final US forces withdrew from Kabul on August 31, 2021, leaving behind thousands of vulnerable Afghans who are now at risk.
Whereas, Afghan-Americans, frontline civilians, veterans and a cross-section of volunteers stood up to demand we meet our commitments to Afghans who deserve a pathway to citizenship in America
Whereas, many of Afghan-led volunteer and community groups coalesced and worked in tandem and have been working hand-in-hand to continue the successful relocations of newly arrived Afghan refugees
Whereas, there is precedent for adjustment of status from every conflict the United States of America has ended
Whereas, the bipartisan Afghan Adjustment Act was introduced in both the US House of Representatives and the US Senate in August 2022
Whereas, government bodies across the nation and the world must recognize the enormity of this moment and the gravity of the promises made by America to Afghan women, civil society, and human rights defenders who risked their live to bring about change in Afghanistan
Whereas, more than 76% of Americans believe we have an obligation to aid Afghan allies in their relocation
Therefore be it resolved that the <legislative body> calls upon the US Congress to immediately pass the Afghan Adjustment Act
Contact your local city or county representative to show your support for a resolution that calls for the #AfghanAdjustmentAct to be passed
Dear [governmental body],
We are writing you today in support of [Resolution Name + #], a resolution in support of the Afghan Adjustment Act, a bipartisan bill that would give a pathway to permanent status for newly arrived Afghan refugees. This bill holds support from both sides of the aisle and would ensure America keeps its promises to those that stood alongside the United States as well as those in continued desperate need of evacuation in Afghanistan.
We urge the [governmental body] to adopt and pass this resolution as a show of support to our Afghan American community, many of whom arrived this past summer. [City/county] is and has been home to a large body of Afghan Americans who are an essential part of this [city/county]’s vibrant fabric.
Since last summer, much of our community and its friends have stepped up to welcome 80,000 plus new Afghan refugee arrivals, who fled conflict, a humanitarian disaster, and a deeply oppressive Taliban rule. Across America, a band of Afghan American volunteers, veterans, faith-based organizations, and countless others have come together to ensure Afghan newcomers are welcomed with dignity.
Now, we are asking our elected officials in Congress to do the same. Many Afghan arrivals are here with temporary status and the clock is ticking as their legal status is set to expire. They face a backlogged asylum process that is burdensome, costly, and traumatic. Many burned their documents in their sudden haste to evacuate and flee the Taliban. If the Afghan Adjustment Act passes, new Afghan arrivals would be able to apply for permanent residence in the United States in order to restart their lives here without fear of legal uncertainty at no cost. The bill would also hold the administration accountable for those who were left behind and expands eligibility for those who would qualify under the Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) process. This type of Congressional act for adjustment of status holds clear, historic precedence and previous acts have been passed for Cuban, Vietnamese, and Iraqi refugee populations.
Recent Afghan history is littered with unkept promises and the broken dreams of Afghan women, ethnic and religious minorities, the youth and so many more. America made many promises to Afghans over the past 20 years. This will be a chance for America to keep one of those promises and support those who came here to America in search of refuge and dignified life.
We appreciate your support and urge you to pass this resolution. Thank you.
[Name of individual or supporting organization]
Send this text to your friends, family, and networks to text bank in favor of the act
Hi [name], I am reaching out to ask for your support in passing the Afghan Adjustment Act in Congress, allowing newly arrived Afghans to find permanent legal status in the U.S. How can you help? Make calls and send emails to your Senators and representatives. After, text 10 people asking them to do the same: