Follow our progress
We make an impact only because of the community members who volunteer, donate, and support us by taking action. Together, we are ensuring that Afghans realize a better tomorrow.
aid we delivered in 2023 for Afghans seeking asylum in New York City
phones provided in 2023 to those in need
Afghan newcomers supported in 2023
toys and school kits delivered to Afghan refugee children in 2023
emails and phone calls to Congress in 2023 demanding justice for Afghans
young Afghan American leaders getting support through our fellowship since 2021
petition signers since 2021
Afghan newcomers supported since 2021
Read our impact report for 2022
I thank God for Afghans For A Better Tomorrow. They showed up for my wife, my four children and me to ensure we received winter clothes to keep us warm. I am so grateful for the support and aid we received.”
Afghan father seeking asylum from Herat, Afghanistan