Halema Wali



Halema Wali is a community organizer, digital strategist, tech professional, and a passionate advocate for social justice and community empowerment. She co-founded Afghans For A Better Tomorrow (AFBT) in 2021 to spearhead rapid-response actions throughout the United States after a botched military withdrawal, including interpreting on military bases receiving newly arrived Afghans.

She currently serves as the Director of Community Engagement, working to ensure safety, affordable housing, and a life of dignity for the growing community of recently arrived Afghan immigrants in New York City and surrounding areas. Her advocacy, grounded in equity and progressive values, aims to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for especially vulnerable members of society impacted by conflict and state-sponsored violence.

Along with her co-founders, they have led AFBT to receive the esteemed William Sloane Coffin, Jr. Peacemaker Award from Peace Action Fund of New York State. Halema is also part of the 2023-2024 cohort of the Advocacy Institute's Advocacy Leadership Accelerator, where she continues to enhance her skills and expand her impact as a community leader.

Halema has been featured in prominent media outlets such as the NYTimes, LA Times, BBC, NowThis, Al-Jazeera, and the Wall Street Journal. Halema holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and Biology from Rutgers University-Newark.